
Love Them First

I know I am a slow learner and I have come to realize that I have to be told some things over and over again, especially the hard things. Luckily, God is patient with me! He just gently reminds me that I need to get back to doing what He has told me to do, (numerous times before).  A few days ago I was just praying and listening for the Lord in a few areas and He nudged me and said, "You aren't loving the people." Ouch! He was right. I may have been loving them a little bit, but I was not loving them the way He calls us to love them. I was loving them based on my feelings, not based on scripture. He reminded me that before I can serve Him in any other way, I have to love them first. Of course when you want to know what God says about love, you go to His word. "Love is large and incredibly patient. Love is gentle and consistently kind to all. It refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else. Love does not brag about one's achieve...

Returning to the Basics Brought Back My Joy

I have always loved all things old fashioned. I think maybe because it reminds me of my childhood, my grandma and the wonderful memories I have growing up. I love antique dishes and furniture. I love aprons and quilts. I love gardens and homemade pies.  To me cooking from scratch, gardening and sewing are old fashioned skills, because it doesn't seem near as many women do these things as used to. These skills used to be part of everyday life, at least in my family they were.  My Grandma always made pies from scratch, biscuits from scratch, hung out her clothes to dry and they had the best garden ever! Grandma fed anyone that stopped by and never acted like it was a bother. She took care of Grandpa and the house, because that's just the way it was done. Her home was always in order and she was always busy doing something. I learned a lot from Grandma, just by being around her - even though I didn't appreciate it until I was older. I remember when I was in the th...

Let's Break the Mold of Sameness

We are not all the same.  That came as a shock to you didn't it?  Just kidding, I know that you know this.  However, I really believe that we need to be reminded of this - often.  We are NOT all the same, so why do we feel like we have to be like everyone else. Why do we feel like we have to do things the same way others do them?  And when we do something differently, why do we feel guilty? UGH!! Drives me crazy! But we do it. I know I'm not alone in this, because I've talked to too many women that struggle with this. We get  caught up in the comparison trap in so many areas: housekeeping raising children being the "best" wife clothes hair exercise food worship and the list goes on and on.... STOP!! Just STOP!! God created each one of us uniquely and we need to embrace that! It's okay to just be yourself, to just be who God made you to be and to be comfortable with that. Some of u...

Who Is Your Idol?

We all have an idol. The only question is... who is yours? Don't be too quick to answer. Pause for a moment and think about it. Think about what an idol is and what it looks like to worship one. According to Merriam-Webster, an idol is "an object of extreme devotion".  My Webster dictionary defines devotion as "attachment manifested by constant attention."  So I think it is safe to say that our idol is whatever or whomever we are giving constant attention to.  Would you agree? So let me rephrase my question... Who or what is getting most of your attention? Who or what do you spend most of your time on? Who or what do you spend most of your time thinking about? What is the reason you do the things you do? Be completely honest with yourself. Go back and reread those questions and be brutally honest in your answers. If you can't answer honestly, ask God to reveal the answer to you. There are so many things th...

Following Christ's Example of Love

What makes you feel loved? Do you ever really stop to think about this question? Pause for a moment and really consider it... ...seriously, consider it for a moment. What makes you feel loved?... Now, do you consider what makes those close to you feel loved? Those things you thought of that make you feel loved, do you do those things for others? Can you honestly say that you make an effort everyday to make your loved ones feel loved? I can't.

The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

The season of love is almost upon us, you know what I'm talking about, Valentine's Day. As we think about the perfect gift for our loved ones, let's first think about love. It is so easy to get the wrong idea of what love is, or what we think it should be. We expect love to make us feel good, to give us those warm fuzzies and maybe even butterflies in our stomachs. We expect those that love us to know what we like and get it for us, to know what we need and do it for us, and then we will love them back. But that is not what love is all about. Love isn't a feeling. Love is a verb. Let's take a look at the scriptures and see what they say about love. You know where we are going right? Yep, the love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13.  " 4  Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5  or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6  It does not rejoice about injusti...

Facing the Same Struggles- Again

I have let Satan win. Again.  Ugh, will I ever learn?  Maybe. But maybe not. Even as I am writing this, I'm giving in again. I hear that voice of perfectionism in my head that is critiquing every word I type to make sure I'm saying everything correctly, that I'm using just the right words to get my point across. This voice is what keeps me from blogging more, it tells me I have to know just what to say and how to say it correctly and let's not forget about proper punctuation. Every time I think about writing a post, this voice starts questioning me: what do you think they want to hear, what picture are you going to use with the post, do you really have time to sit down and write, what about all your housework? So, I don't write. I don't share with you what is on my heart, because I listen to that voice. That same voice also tells me that I'm a failure and that if I share what's really on my heart, you will all see just how many times...