Returning to the Basics Brought Back My Joy

I have always loved all things old fashioned. I think maybe because it reminds me of my childhood, my grandma and the wonderful memories I have growing up. I love antique dishes and furniture. I love aprons and quilts. I love gardens and homemade pies. To me cooking from scratch, gardening and sewing are old fashioned skills, because it doesn't seem near as many women do these things as used to. These skills used to be part of everyday life, at least in my family they were. My Grandma always made pies from scratch, biscuits from scratch, hung out her clothes to dry and they had the best garden ever! Grandma fed anyone that stopped by and never acted like it was a bother. She took care of Grandpa and the house, because that's just the way it was done. Her home was always in order and she was always busy doing something. I learned a lot from Grandma, just by being around her - even though I didn't appreciate it until I was older. I remember when I was in the th...