Why WHEW Tribe?

Hey friends! I'm so excited! Today I officially launch WHEW Tribe!  

I thought this would be the perfect time to share with you why I started WHEW Tribe and how it came about.  About a year ago I felt God leading me to start a new blog; I had been blogging at Rashel's Run for several years already, but really felt I was to start fresh. So after much prayer I started Breathing Authenticity and started learning all about how to start a blog, the best platforms, etc. Well, that was my first mistake - going to the world for direction instead of God. I should have listened more to how He wanted me to do it, not what the world said I needed to do to have a successful blog.

I won't bore you with every detail, but let's just say that God was not in that blog. I paid for my own domain name, I signed up on a new platform and I started writing. It was a struggle. I'm not talking about getting people to my blog, I'm talking everything. I didn't know the platform which made it super hard to use. I would spend hours just trying to get my blog to look like I wanted it to, let alone the time I spent trying to get my photos to look like "they" said I should. I struggled with every detail which quickly burnt me out on writing there at all. So, I let it slide. I wrote very infrequently, if at all. 

Fast forward to a few months ago and God started impressing upon me again that my blog was my ministry. I was to use it to encourage women, to lift them up and bring them together. I hadn't been doing that lately. At all.  So I began praying about it and really seeking what God would have me do. Little things began telling me that Breathing Authenticity was not the answer. Okay, so a new blog. I could do that. I started praying about a new name. I started looking into a different platform. I started reading "how to blog" posts. 

But I could not hear God guiding me. 



So I kept praying, I kept seeking His will and listening for weeks. But nothing. Then one day this past week I asked two of my friends to pray for me and I kept listening. I said, "Okay God. I know you are talking to me, I just can't hear you. Break down whatever barrier I have put up and let me hear you in this."

And He did.

He said, "STOP! Stop listening to what the world says about how to blog, that is not what I have for you." 

I wasn't to worry about having my own domain name - which every professional blogger will tell you is a must. I didn't need that because I was not in this for the money, it was to be all about ministry. Another reason God showed me to use a free site was so that my ministry would be around for good, not just as long as I was paying for it. God told me not to worry about those details of my blog - the domain name, the search engine craziness, how to write the perfect post or any of that. He reminded me that the purpose of my blog is to be a place for women to come together to help and encourage each other. To let others know that they are not alone. We all go through struggles and hard times and that is okay. None of us is perfect in any area of life and that is okay. We need to be open and honest with each other and quit portraying some perfect life that will never happen. We need to be real and learn to love our real selves.  

That is the purpose of this blog. 

Once God got me to see I was headed in the wrong direction and that I just needed to come back to Blogger and have a free blog, everything else came into place. Quickly.

He had also impressed upon me to write down my vision and when I reread my vision statement, the name jumped out at me so fast it was crazy. I knew it was without a doubt from God, because up until then I had struggled and struggled searching for a name. Every name I thought I liked was taken or linked to something else in some way. But not this one. A google search came up with nothing!

WHEW Tribe is the perfect name for this blog, because it fits perfectly with the vision God gave me. A tribe, a community, of women helping and encouraging women. But also because whew is defined as surprise or relief and it is certainly a relief to know we are not alone in our struggles! 

And so WHEW Tribe was born! If you came looking for the perfect blog posts without any grammar errors and outlined in a certain format, you won't find it here. If you came to see beautiful, perfectly filtered photos that make the best pins, you probably won't find them. (Oh I'll do my best, but I can't afford to spend hours getting them "just right"). And maybe I won't get the highest ranking in google searches, but I'm relying on God to bring those women here that need this tribe. 

What I hope you do find here is a tribe of women joining together to encourage each other and lift each other up. A tribe of women that become online friends that rejoice in victories and comfort each other in trials. A tribe of women that learn to love themselves just the way they are because that is how God created them. 

That is my prayer and my vision for this blog. 

I hope you will join the tribe.

Here at the blog

and on 


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