My vision for this blog is for it to become a tribe full of Women Helping and Encouraging Women. I want us to encourage each other to be real, to be open and to be honest.
I don't always enjoy serving others. There, I said it out loud. I hate it. I hate that I sometimes I take on the role of Martha when she whined to the Lord - I have thought this same thing so many times. Don't they see me doing all this work? Why are they not helping? Why am I the one that always has to _________? It's ugly. Those thoughts are ugly and selfish. But I have them. Not all the time, but I wish it was never. I wish that I would serve everyone, all of the time without one single thought of myself. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Phil 2:3 I'm trying. Really I am. When I feel those thoughts coming up, I try very hard to quiet them. I try to remember these scriptures. I remind myself what a blessing it is to be able to serve and to have others to serve. I started writing in my prayer journal what kind of woman I want to be and verses...
Hey friends! I'm so excited! Today I officially launch WHEW Tribe! I thought this would be the perfect time to share with you why I started WHEW Tribe and how it came about. About a year ago I felt God leading me to start a new blog; I had been blogging at Rashel's Run for several years already, but really felt I was to start fresh. So after much prayer I started Breathing Authenticity and started learning all about how to start a blog, the best platforms, etc. Well, that was my first mistake - going to the world for direction instead of God. I should have listened more to how He wanted me to do it, not what the world said I needed to do to have a successful blog. I won't bore you with every detail, but let's just say that God was not in that blog. I paid for my own domain name, I signed up on a new platform and I started writing. It was a struggle. I'm not talking about getting people to my blog, I'm talking everything. I didn't know the p...
I know I am a slow learner and I have come to realize that I have to be told some things over and over again, especially the hard things. Luckily, God is patient with me! He just gently reminds me that I need to get back to doing what He has told me to do, (numerous times before). A few days ago I was just praying and listening for the Lord in a few areas and He nudged me and said, "You aren't loving the people." Ouch! He was right. I may have been loving them a little bit, but I was not loving them the way He calls us to love them. I was loving them based on my feelings, not based on scripture. He reminded me that before I can serve Him in any other way, I have to love them first. Of course when you want to know what God says about love, you go to His word. "Love is large and incredibly patient. Love is gentle and consistently kind to all. It refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else. Love does not brag about one's achieve...
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